Sunday, 9 October 2011

Codes and conventions of a film trailer!

Codes and conventions of a film trailer!
Most film trailers are the same following the same structure as many before them, such the structure in a horror film follows the pattern of everything seeming great with jolly music, and the sudden change often represents the turning point the point where the film becomes scary/horrific, however in some trailers you don’t really see much of the films content these are called “teaser” trailers basically because it doesn’t show you anything and makes you wonder what the film is about.
The trailer will attract the audience and hope that they will go and watch the full film when it is released, they do this by little hints to the film’s content, showing key moments, without giving to much away, all the scenes shown in a film trailer are carefully selected and edited in a way that makes you want to see the film. Film trailers will often show off the cast that are appearing in the film this may draw the audience in especially if their favourite actor/actress is staring in the film.
These are what you would normally find in a trailer;
• The trailer will need to set the tone of what genre the film is almost immediately
• It should give a clue/hint of a theme or a storyline
• It has to reach out to an audience and get their interest
• Should show the main stars of the film as in many cases some people may watch purely to see their favourite actor/actress
• Usually made up of very fast shots so that you don’t get to much content
• Always shows the title and a release date
• Often you will have a voice over and a film trailer will always have music playing over it or it will have some in the background.

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